Add Funds

Add and Manage all your funds from different sources in one place. We don't want your bank details or passwords or any potential security risks. It's up to you to add the information you want about your hard earned savings.

We currently provide support for:
Fixed DepositsRetirement Savings
Recurring DepositsEmergency Savings
Cash SavingsHoliday Savings
CryptocurrencyChild Savings
LoansProvident Funds
General / Other (Not any of the above)

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Search & Filter

Need details on a specific saving quickly? Our extensive search and quick filters will help you find your desired saving in split seconds! Sit back, relax, and watch them load. You can search for anything you want - the amount, the place you stored your savings, any extra description or even the date.

Export Your Data

Enjoy the convenience of carrying your funds with you offline! We support PDF, CSV and TXT (will keep adding more) formats for you to export your savings to in just a couple of clicks. You can export any/all of your data into any of the supported file formats and download it and keep with anytime you require.

Maintain Goals

Saving for your next holiday or that house you finally wanted to buy? Stay motivated, create goals for your savings and never lose track of them! You can create goals for your savings and even set yourself a time limit to help motivate yourself to reach your goal as fast as possible. It's a wonderful habit to maintain!

Manage Reminders

Stay organized and follow your savings plan! Set reminders either weekly, monthly or annually so you never forget about a pending saving or starting a new one. It's really easy to maintain as well. Reminders is an easy way to keep on top of things. Sync it with your calendar and never forget about your investments.

There's More ...


We have support for almost all (more than 70) the currencies on the planet.


Get 'at-a-glance' information through the numerous statistical data available in easy to read charts.


Customize the dashboard to suit your needs, keep what you like and change what you don't!


Everything is super fast! Right from logging in the first time to adding your savings!

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